How to set and modify alarms on your iPhone

Find out how to prepare, edit or delete an alarm.

Clock app

With the Clock app, you tin can turn your iPhone into an alert clock. Only open the Clock app from the Dwelling house Screen or Command Centre. Yous can also ask Siri to set an alarm for you.

Set an alarm on iPhone

How to set an alarm

  1. Open the Clock app, then tap the Alert tab.
  2. Tap the Add push.
  3. Prepare a fourth dimension for the alarm. You can also choose one of these options:
    • Repeat: tap to set up a recurring alert.
    • Characterization: tap to name your alarm.
    • Sound: tap to pick a sound that plays when the alert sounds.
    • Snooze: plough on to meet a Snooze choice when the alarm sounds.
  4. Tap Salve.

How to change the alarm's volume

  1. Go to Settings > Sounds & Haptics.
  2. Under Ringer and Alerts, elevate the slider left or right to set the book. As you lot drag, an alert volition audio, so you can hear how the volume changes.
  3. Turn on Change with Buttons to use the book buttons on your device to alter the alert volume.

Find out what to do if the warning volume is too depression or serenity.

Edit an alarm on iPhone

How to edit an alarm

  1. Open the Clock app and tap the Alarm tab.
  2. Tap Edit in the top left-hand corner.
  3. Tap the alert, make your changes, then tap Salvage.

How to delete an alarm

  • Swipe left over the warning and tap Delete.
  • Tap Edit, tap the Delete button, then tap Delete.
  • Tap Edit, tap the alarm, and then tap Delete Alarm.

If the alarm book is also depression or quiet

Practise Not Disturb and the Ring/Silent switch don't affect the alarm sound. If y'all set your Ring/Silent switch to Silent or plough on Do Not Disturb, the warning volition still sound.

If yous accept an alarm that doesn't sound or is also quiet, or if your iPhone simply vibrates, check the following:

  • Prepare the volume on your iPhone. If your alert volume is too low or too loud, press the volume button up or downwards to adjust it. You lot tin besides go to Settings > Sounds & Haptics and elevate the slider nether Ringer and Alerts.
  • If your alarm only vibrates, brand sure your alarm sound isn't set to None. Open the Clock app, tap the Alert tab, then tap Edit. Tap the alarm, then tap Sound and choose a Sound.
  • If you connect headphones to your iPhone, the alarm will audio at a set volume through the born speakers on your iPhone besides as wired and wireless headphones.

Adjusting the time manually on your iPhone in Settings to alter app behaviour, such as game timers, isn't recommended and tin can affect alarms.

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